
Process Web Design Development

Below is our web design and development workflow process. We work collaboratively with our clients to address their web technology and information technology needs in a cost-effective streamlined manner.

1) Planning

We carefully assess your technology needs and requirements through surveys and discussions. It is imperative we are both on the same page prior to execution of your project or request.

Request for Proposal
Based on survey results and discussions, we provide you a detailed RFP that includes tasks, budget, and timeline.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)
After you have agreed to the RFP, we will provide a SLA that will serve as a contract for the project.

2) Design

Based on design requirements, we will provide wireframes and prototypes to make sure we have addressed your design requirements.

3) Development

Includes coding the web page and connection to database to provide interactive features in your Web site or Application. Iterative step that includes feedback and fixing bugs.

4) Launch

Testing and final sign-off of the project.

5) Maintenance

While we try to release bug free code as much as we can. We are human. Bugs do creep up. We will fix them in a timely manner.

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